Complex revision - Redo surgery


We specialize with referrals from other surgeons to thoroughly and thoughtfully advise patients in deciding their next step.

Complex revision - Redo surgery

About the treatment

Complex revision - Redo surgery

After previous surgical intervention, a patient may continue to experience problems or develop a variety of new problems, including instrumentation failure, fusion failure, adjacent segment disease, postural deformity, persistent and/or worsening symptoms. Often this requires a unique perspective and skillset to correctly diagnose and evaluate these conditions.

Experience in post-surgical revision surgery is essential for proper counseling and discussion of options in these very complex cases.

We specialize, in particular, with referrals from other surgeons to thoroughly and thoughtfully advise patients in deciding their next step.

Surgeries in these cases often involve the treatment of multiple simultaneous conditions with a variety of sophisticated techniques and multi-step interdisciplinary coordinated recovery plans.

Our team will guide you every step of the way.

You are in good hands


Complex revision - Redo surgery

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