Radiculopathy is a clinical presentation that often starts with numbness, weakness, tingling and pain; and is caused by compression of the nerve roots arising out of the spinal canal. They can occur in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. When involving the low lumbar and sacral nerve roots, it is often called sciatica.
As distinguished from myelopathy, radiculopathy is a lower motor neuron disease and a very detailed history and physical examination must be obtained to distinguish radiculopathy from peripheral nerve conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Causes of radiculopathy include disc herniation, arthritis, or bone spurs. In evaluating radiculopathy, you will likely be asked to obtain an X-ray and MRI, and possibly a CT. We may also obtain a special nerve study called electromyography (EMG).
Treatment is often conservative, including but not limited to physical therapy and pain management. If surgery is required, the particular procedure would depend on the condition being treated. Our team will guide you every step of the way.
Radiculopathy - Sciatica
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